Thursday, April 15, 2010

Jobi is great!

I am sure most of you have seen this picture before, but it is such a great picture. This is way before the Ruby days. This was taken behind the house we lived in in Colorado. It was sure pretty there.
Jobi's best buddy, Wagner.

He used to be obsessed with Excavators. Where did my little boy go?
This was after church back at our house in Colorado.


Kate and Cole said...

How cute! I love the picture of him in his church clothes. What a handsome guy. I sure do love him! I sure do love Wagner too. Such a good dog. I love these old pics Hez!

Shirley Clan said...

ohhh, H! I haven't visited your blog for such a long time! I just love you!
Those pics of Jobi are adorable! You guys are just so damn cute. I love it!
The jewelry you made looks awesome! I think I need to take a weekend and come down and we can go crazy making jewelry. how's about it? I need to call. I love ya-
oh and loved the "cute as a bugs ear!" comment, I can hear you now.