Saturday, April 24, 2010

Best Apron Ever!!

Mom is in town for one of her horse competitions and we decided to go shopping! We went to Quilted Bear and we found an aisle that had home made aprons. We found this one that looks like a wedding dress/ballerina costume. It was too funny!
If this isn't a Pretty, Pretty, Princess, I don't know what is! Isn't this great? I would have bought it, but it was $99. Too much for dress up!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Snowboarding in Steamboat

For Spring Break we went to Steamboat Springs, CO to meet up with Jon and go snowboarding. Jon had been there for about a week working and Jobi and I went to see him and a vacation. We ended up having a great time. It is really nice there and I love the little shops.
This is at the airport waiting for our flight. We got stuck at the Denver airport for 5 hours and ended up spending the night there. It all worked out and we had a great time.
This is Jon's best friend here. He is always on his phone. He says it is for work, but everytime I catch a glimpse of it, he's on Facebook. Busted! We had just gone into the lodge to eat and we were waiting for our food.
Jobi learned how to snowboard while we were there. He really liked it. He said he wants a snowboard of his own now. I was tempted to teach him myself, but Jon talked some sense into me and we got him a group lesson. I think I would have been in trouble for sure if I would have just taught him. He would get mad and ignore me when I would come by and check on him. Just like his dad!!
These pictures are really dark, but he sure looked like a cute snowboard boy.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Jobi is great!

I am sure most of you have seen this picture before, but it is such a great picture. This is way before the Ruby days. This was taken behind the house we lived in in Colorado. It was sure pretty there.
Jobi's best buddy, Wagner.

He used to be obsessed with Excavators. Where did my little boy go?
This was after church back at our house in Colorado.

More of the Classics

Classic cousin shot. Look how little Ryker and Keller are. What a bunch of cuties!
I love this picture, I just hate my big gut hanging out for the world to see! What can you do? Everybody looks too pretty not to post it.
Our Saturday night Sam's Club run with the whole family. If these three sat on the dog food now, the cart wouldn't move!
This is the funniest picture I own. I don't know what Jobi did, but it must have been shocking! Grandpa's face is hilarious. This was in Colorado when grandpa and grandma drove there to see us. It was pretty fun!
Another classic red coat picture! We took a lot of good photos that day. It's hard to imagine he was ever that small now. He is almost as tall as me now!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Classic Jobi

Have you ever seen a cuter jib? I know I haven't. This is when we lived in Coeur d'Alene. I can't believe how little he is.
Look at these little puppies. Jobi was such a cute boy with such a fun personality. He still is.
Classic. I loved that red coat. Look at those chubby cheeks.
Jobi's cheesy face. Look how young Quincy looks. She doesn't have any white on her face here. Jobi is around 2yrs in all these pictures.
Here he is on his 3rd birthday. It looks like my eight year old shrunken down. What a little gentleman. I love me some Jobi and ice cream cake!!

Monday, April 12, 2010

Blast from the Past

I came across an old email of Jobi learning to ride his bike in Colorado. He looks so little. That cool bike got stolen from the apartment we moved into once we got to Utah. People suck!

He would get so mad when he would fall. I thought he would never learn to ride, but he hung in there like a trooper.
The road looks so orange. Weird how fast things change.
What a weirdo! Who is this crazy person? It was too embarrassing not to show.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Uncle Chad's visit

Uncle Chad was in town for one night before he flew out to Belize for his fishing trip. Jobi and I met him at his hotel by the airport. When we got there he was in the process of trying on all his new gear for his trip. He had a bandana type thing that was a loop that goes around your neck and head. His is the color of a Rainbow Trout.
Here is Rainbow Trout Chad and his awesome fly fishing gloves. We all had to try them on.
Jobi was not impressed with our funniness. Chad and I were laughing so hard at each other. I don't remember the last time I laughed so hard. It was fun.
That is better. Not so pouty.
Oh, cute as a bugs ear! Thanks for the fun time Chad. Every time I see a 4runner just like mine, I think about how we tried to get in the car and we couldn't because it wasn't my car! We are nerds, but we know how to have fun.