Friday, April 17, 2009

Old white car

Last year Jon did a commercial for Provo Craft that featured the story of this homeless guy named Russell.  Everybody was so moved by his story that we all wanted to do something for him.  Provo Craft hired him to be the spokesperson for the Yudu machine that he used in the commercial.  They pay him monthly so he can afford an apartment and have a job so he no longer needs to be homeless.
Jon and I decided that we no longer needed the white Ford Escort Wagon that I have owned for 13 years.  Instead of selling it we decided we would just give it to Russell so he can drive to work and have a way to get from here to there.  Something that we considered to be old and kind of trashed meant the world to someone who didn't have a car at all.  Russell was so happy and excited when Jon called and told him that he had a car to give him that he started to cry and said that he loved Jon.  
It is nice to feel like we helped someone who actually needed something and make a difference in their life.  
I am glad that that car lasted so long for us.  It was a really good car that still got around 33 mpg after 14 years.  It was the first car that I bought myself.  It ended up being Jon's car for the last like 5 years.  You should have seen him get in and out of that thing!  Quite the site.  Thanks old white car for being so good to us and please be good to Russell!



Melanie Engen said...

I love this story. Very cool. That was a wonderful thing you did. I also watched to videos. Is that your husband in the spandex on the 3 wheeler? lol, very hot!!!!!

ropenracen said...

Makes me sad, we had that car forever. Russel looks nice, like he is happy with her. Go escort, they did our family well, plural.

Anonymous said...

Good for you! I hope all goes well for Russell.

Betty Jo

Kate and Cole said...

AWESOME! I'm so glad he finally got the car! That's great. Reading this makes me SO GRateful for what I have! Thanks for sharing this story.

Smash said...

Aww..I remember driving by Horkleys to see if you were at work and pulling in as soon as I saw that big Sunshine sticker. Memeories!! I hope it's as good to him as it was to us in HS.

camping anyone said...

way to go! I love to hear this story. I love you guys! You are great examples.