I stole some of these pictures from Erin's blog, but I wanted them on mine too! We recently made a quilt for my mom for her birthday and we used old pictures on the quilt. Here are some that we used. This is a family photo of me growing up. We are just missing little Kate. This was in 1979. Isn't my mom soooo pretty in this picture? I loved her hair.
This is Erin riding her bike naked of course. She is so cute!
This is me! I was such a little model. Bow chicka bow bow! Diggin the curlers.
This is a picture of Erin, Kate, Great Grandma Jo, and Chad. Great Grandma Jo was such a special person. She lived to be like 95 and had the best sense of humor right to the end. She was so cute.
Here is Chad and the brother he never had, Erin. She was his little shadow.
Look at that farm boy. He still really loves to fish.
This is Kate on her 2nd birthday. She is the cutest kid. You can definitely see some Reese in Kate.
Joey with her mullet and cinderella dress. What a perfect picture.
Speaking of weird 80's hair, look and me and Erin's funny bangs. We are all still pretty cute here though.
I love this picture. Everything about it is a great memory. The 80's were fun.
My mom must have been out of town because whenever she did, my dad would buy us a soda as a treat. I don't remember the last time I had a squirt. What a bunch of cute kids.
Now we are just missing Chad. All us girls and Mom and Dad. Seems like forever ago.
My mom and cute baby Jobi. They are both so smiley! Cute, cute!
My mom came to visit me somewhere that I lived. Probably Boise.
This was when I was in High School. I look so young. Time flies.
High School Graduation! That was only almost 16 years ago. That sounds like forever! What good looking parents I have.
In high school we went to Big Sky skiing as a family and here is a photo of it. For some reason I got to bring my high school boyfriend. He was my boyfriend and my best friend and he was also one of Joey's best friends. So, we had a lot of fun. Everyone has grown up so much since then.
What a fun trip down memory lane...I must say I have the cutest kids, and the best family...love you guys!
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