Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Happy Days

Here is a happy girl. She loves to be in the front yard. The bad thing is that she can't hear worth anything. She will just take off until she realizes she is too far away. You have to use hand signals and Ruby helps guide her. Isn't she cute though?
Ruby doesn't look to pleased, but she was happy here. She always looks like she is sitting like a human. She is just the cutest thing!
Here are some flowers from my front yard. The bright pink gerber daisies are still working on coming up through the middle. It is so much better in person!
Here is one of my hanging baskets up close. They are so pretty and everyone stops to ask me where I got them at. That white flower is only one plant the lady told me. It's huge! They are so pretty.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Daddy's got a new pair of shoes

Unfortunately, Jon bought the pair of shoes for himself that I have been forbidding him to buy. I always thought that Crocks looked fine on kids, but I really don't enjoy seeing adults wear them! I know they say they are comfortable, but why can't they be cuter? I secretly just like to give him a lot of crap.
Check out his face. I think he thought his face wasn't going to be in the picture. Funny shoe model!
Jon on the porch with the big flower basket.
What a cute pair. Soaking up the sunshine.
Awe! What is with Ruby's eyes? Freaky face.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Carlile / Yard

This is Carlile. He is a little tom cat that adopted us at the beginning of this year. He finally lets us pet him now, but he isn't super friendly. Jon named him and he lives outside on our front porch. He is a little scroungy, but he seems happy now! He is pretty cute for a scabby boy!
Here are a few photos of my front yard this year. It is fun to see how big and different the plants can be from year to year. Jon got the grass all dialed in so it looks a lot better this year.
I had to replace a few plats this year and trim most of the bushes back, but I think it turned out pretty good. I should take an after picture in the fall to see how different it looks then.

Here is my garden in the back yard. It's small, but a perfect size for my small yard. My peas and spinach have really taken off the best so far. Beans have been the biggest dud so far. I can't wait to eat tomatoes and beans and lettuce! Yum, yum, give me some!