Tuesday, January 18, 2011

New App

Some of you have already seen these, but times are boring, so here are some funny photos. Kate as a punk rocker!
Kate as a chipmunk red head.
Kate as a weirdo.
Apparently, I have jaundice. I didn't know, but look how great I look.
This one is nice.
Ok, I look just like my mom here. When I saw this photo, I was a little thrown off because I thought how did I get this picture of my mom? Weird. I always thought I looked more like my dad. Oh well, they are both pretty cute, so I am happy either way.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Nothing New

I need some ladies to come visit me again so I have something to blog about again! Believe it or not, I didn't take any pictures at Christmas - only video. On my birthday, I only took some pictures of Jon! I will try to be better!