This is an updated picture of the baby bump and the baby's new room. We went and got an ultrasound this weekend and found out it is for sure a boy and he looks normal. We can hardly wait to meet him. He just needs to grow some more.
Here is me at the ultrasound. My best friend Lisa was in town for the ultrasound. It was so nice that she got to be there with me and Jon and Jobi. She is as excited as we are to welcome a new Gelder boy into our family.
Here is a little baby hand all opened up. It is so cute and weird to think of how tiny it actually is. I love to see him move all around and all the tiny baby body parts. How lucky am I that I get to experience this all again. I never thought I would get to experience being pregnant again or get the chance to be a mother of 2. I can't wait for June. It seems so far away.
Cute little face shot. Looks like he is going to be pretty handsome. Just like his big brother!
Monday, January 30, 2012
Posted by HEATHER and JON at 10:29 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
I stole some of these pictures from Erin's blog, but I wanted them on mine too! We recently made a quilt for my mom for her birthday and we used old pictures on the quilt. Here are some that we used. This is a family photo of me growing up. We are just missing little Kate. This was in 1979. Isn't my mom soooo pretty in this picture? I loved her hair.

Posted by HEATHER and JON at 4:21 PM 1 comments
Friday, January 6, 2012
Random December Shots
The dogs got a candy cane chewstick for Christmas. Quincy got it first because she's the oldest. They still haven't finished it! The old lady just gums it.
Here is a blurry picture of her first getting it. Haines kept trying to take it away and Quincy didn't like that at all.
Jon and his little girl, Haines. She gets tired at night and starts getting pretty snuggly.
Ruby was resting her head on Haines' back. They both get glued to the fire when it is on. They love it.
My baby girl, Ruby. She is so photogenic.
Jon carries Haines around like a purse a lot. She has a lot of extra skin still. She doesn't even get upset.
I'm not sure who this nerd is. I think he just sat in the hot tub and made some awesome hair doo.
It's like they are in love. They are always resting in the sun if the fire isn't on.
A picture of our crooked Christmas tree. I ended up adding a bunch of clear lights to make it not so blue. Next year we are getting a fake tree because Jon has had it with putting up a real one and all the drama thats involved in getting it straight and staying in the stand with out it tipping over.
Posted by HEATHER and JON at 3:36 PM 1 comments
Sunday, January 1, 2012
Crazy Hat Day
We went to my grandma and grandpa's house to clean it out recently and we came upon some old hats we used to play with when we were little. Reese looks lovely in this purple number. She wanted to try them all on and have her picture taken, but somehow I just got this one of her.
Me. I made everyone take a picture with this hat on. It was a cute hat.
Erin again
Kate. Look at all those rings. She must be a gypsy woman!
Posted by HEATHER and JON at 5:29 PM 3 comments